Mitzvah in a Minute - Orlah Lema'seh Beit Midrash Videos Orlah & Neta Revay Mitzvah in a Minute - Orlah Categories Mitzvah in a Minute - Orlah Olive Press in Benei Darom Filmed lectures – Orlah How does Yair Jacobi (Underdos) celebrate birthdays for trees? | Making sense of orlah When Yair Jacobi (Underdos) scares away a client from the nursery | Making sense of orlah Yair Jacobi's (Underdos) program is ruined! Will creativity prevail? | Making sense of orlah Excuse me, sir. Is the fruit orlah? | Starring Yair Jacobi (Underdos) The plants that need a psychologist, starring Yair Jacobi (Underdos) | Making sense of orlah The ancient letter that saved the day, starring Yair Jacobi (Underdos) | Making sense of orlah Subscribe to our Newsletter Full Name Email I agree to the terms of use and privacy policy of the site. 1:31 Mitzvah in a Minute - Orlah Clip on Orlah by Torah VeHa'aretz Institute More videos 03:14 The ancient letter that saved the day, starring Yair Jacobi (Underdos) | Making sense of orlah 02:39 Yair Jacobi's (Underdos) program is ruined! Will creativity prevail? | Making sense of orlah 02:45 When Yair Jacobi (Underdos) scares away a client from the nursery | Making sense of orlah 03:38 The plants that need a psychologist, starring Yair Jacobi (Underdos) | Making sense of orlah