Questions & Answers
Maaser ani on vegetables
I have a small vegetable patch in my yard. What is the order of the berachot on separating terumot and ma'aserot this year (5785)? Are we supposed to say the first berachah on separating terumot...
Obligation to tithe ownerless fruit
What amount of hefker (ownerless) fruit is obligated in teurmot and ma'aserot miderabanan? If produce in a private garden is declared ownerless, does it have hefker status?
Torah VeHa’aretz Institute was founded more than 30 years ago in Kfar Darom, Gush Katif to forge a bond between Torah and the Land of Israel’s holy soil. The institute’s Zionist vision is to create a just society based on Torah law in the Land of Israel, emphasizing the relationship among Torah and the Land of Israel, agriculture, and technology. Torah VeHa’aretz Institute is now situated in our new facility in Nitzan, near Ashkelon, settling the Negev and making it bloom, while deriving its inspiration from the deep faith of the Jewish People.
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