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Laws of Chanukah 5785

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Laws of Chanukah 5785

Can orlah or tevel oil be used to light the Chanukah menorah? Can a Kohen use terumah oil? Should we separate challah from donut batter? Learn here about Mitzvot of the Land relevant to Chanukah.

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A.      Lighting the Chanukah menorah with olah oil

a.       The orlah prohibition not only applies to eating but also to deriving benefit. Therefore, oil produced from orlah olives may not be used for lighting candles, paint, cosmetics, or any other use.

b.       Since it is forbidden to derive benefit from Chanukah menorah oil, the posekim are divided whether orlah oil may be used for this purpose.
In practice: Orlah oil should not be used unless no other oil is available.

B.      Lighting the Chanukah menorah with tevel oil

a.       Lechatchilah, one should not use oil from which terumot and ma'aserot were not separated (tevel). 

b.       If this oil was used and afterwards it is discovered that terumot and ma'aserot were not separated—one need not light again with different oil.

C.        Lighting the Chanukah menorah by a Kohen using impure terumah oil

a.       Terumah gedolah oil should be given by the owner (Yisrael) to a Kohen, as stated in scripture: "This is the due of the priest from the nation … the first of your grains, wine, and oil."

b.       Today we touch the oil, thereby imparting ritual impurity, and then separate terumah gedolah. This terumah is impure and it is a mitzvah to burn it. For this reason, Kohanim may use impure terumah oil to light the Chanukah menorah.

c.       Some forbid using this oil to light Shabbat candles and the Chanukah menorah on Friday night, maintaining that it is forbidden to burn impure terumah oil (shemen sereifah, as mentioned in Bameh madlikin) on Shabbat.

D.      Separating challah from donuts (sufganiyot)

a.       For donuts baked in an oven from a batch obligated in hafrashat challah (1.666 kg), challah should be separated with a blessing.

b.      For donuts deep-fried in oil, the posekim are divided whether they are obligated in hafrashat challah. Some exempt it because it is not baked in an oven, although the dough is thick, while others obligate it since the dough is thick.
In practice: separate challah without a blessing.