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Shemitah, Introduction#3 - Instructions to the Reader

Shemitah, Introduction#3 - Instructions to the Reader

Introduction to the English version of the book hilchot shemitah.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom and Rabbi David Eigner Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Introduction#2: Safeguards of Sanctity

Shemitah, Introduction#2: Safeguards of Sanctity

Is it a proper way to always be machmir on shemitah laws?
Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy Amichay, Head of Halachah Department at Torah VeHa'aretz Institute Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Introduction#1: Shemitah—a National Mitzvah

Shemitah, Introduction#1: Shemitah—a National Mitzvah

Shemitah as a national mitzvah as well as a mitzvah for the individual. What is a hidur mitzvah as a consumer during Shemitah?
Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, President of Torah VeHa'aretz Institute Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 29: Hakhel

Shemitah, Chapter 29: Hakhel

On the mitzvah of hakhel, which takes place during the Sukkot following the shemitah year. How do we remember this mitzvah today?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 28: Debt Cancelation and Prozbul

Shemitah, Chapter 28: Debt Cancelation and Prozbul

On the ins and outs of debt cancellation at the end of the shemitah year. Who needs to sign a prozbul? Which debts aren't cancelled? How can I sign a prozbul and also fulfil the mitzvah of cancelling debts?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 26: Bi'ur and Viduy Ma'aserot

Shemitah, Chapter 26: Bi'ur and Viduy Ma'aserot

What is involved in the mitzvah of bi'ur ma'aserot? Can we perform viduy ma'aserot today? On two unique mitzvot that occur twice during the shemitah cycle.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 25: Practical Laws of Bi'ur

Shemitah, Chapter 25: Practical Laws of Bi'ur

How do we perform the mitzvah of bi'ur today? What do I do if I forgot to do bi'ur on time? On the procedure for rendering crops ownerless and related bi'ur laws.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 24: Halachic Principles of Bi'ur for Shemitah Produce

Shemitah, Chapter 24: Halachic Principles of Bi'ur for Shemitah Produce

What is the obligation of bi'ur and how is the bi'ur time determined for different types of produce?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 21: Additional Uses for Shemitah Fruit

Shemitah, Chapter 21: Additional Uses for Shemitah Fruit

Besides eating, how else may shemitah produce be used: on lighting candles, detergent, medicine, vitamins, paint, cosmetics, and more.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 20: Handling Shemitah Food in the Public Kitchen

Shemitah, Chapter 20: Handling Shemitah Food in the Public Kitchen

Guidelines for the public kitchen (based on Chapter 19 with several differences). What should the owner of a wedding hall do if shemitah fruits and vegetables are also being served?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah