Halachic Guides
Shemitah, Chapter 9: Principles of the Prohibition to Perform Transactions with Shemitah Produce
When can money become sacred with shemitah sanctity, what is the prohibition of transacting with shemitah produce, do we have to be concerned in light of the situation today, and can we use shemitah produce for mishloach manot?
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 8: Ne'evad and Shamur Prohibitions
Eating produce from land that was worked or guarded during shemitah. Chapter 8 of the Shemitah Consumer's Guide.
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 7: The Sefichin Prohibition
Annual plants are forbidden for consumption during the shemitah year, even if planted in a permitted fashion, due to the sefichin prohibition. On the laws of sefichin, when and where they apply.
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 6: Laws of Crops Growing during Shemitah
Do I need to verbalize that my shemitah fruit are ownerless? Should I remove the fence around my garden? What if I'm concerned that people will ruin my garden? Can I give shemitah fruit to a non-Jew?
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 5: Determining Stage of Growth for Shemitah Sanctity
Perennials and annuals growing during the sixth year, shemitah, or the eight year—what is the stage of growth that determines whether they have shemitah sanctity? Definitions and classifications. What about fragrant flowers?
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 3: Shemitah Sanctity in Produce
An introduction to shemitah sanctity: when does produce have shemitah sanctity? How should such produce be handled?
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 2: Where do the Laws of Shemitah Apply?
Do the laws of shemitah apply to the planter hanging in my kitchen? An overview of areas where the laws of shemitah apply; chapter 2 of the Shemitah Consumer's Guide.
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 1: Forbidden Melachot During the Shemitah Year
Overview of the forbidden and permitted melachot during the shemitah year: biblical, rabbinic, and the difference between them. Chapter 1 of "The Shemitah Consumer's Guide."
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Appendix D: Shemitah Sanctity for Herbs and Spices
When does each kind of herb and spice have shemitah sanctity, and when is its' Bi'ut time?
Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Appendix C: Shemitah Sanctity and Sefichin for Vegetables – based on the Solar Calendar
When does each kind of vegetable have shemitah sanctity, and when is its' Bi'ut time?
Hilchot Shemitah