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Shemitah, Appendix C: Shemitah Sanctity and Sefichin for Vegetables – based on the Solar Calendar

Shemitah, Appendix C: Shemitah Sanctity and Sefichin for Vegetables – based on the Solar Calendar

When does each kind of vegetable have shemitah sanctity, and when is its' Bi'ut time?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Appendix B: Shemitah Sanctity, Sefichin, and Bi'ur for Grains, Legumes, and Seeds

Shemitah, Appendix B: Shemitah Sanctity, Sefichin, and Bi'ur for Grains, Legumes, and Seeds

When does each kind of produce have shemitah sanctity, and when is its' Bi'ut time?
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 23: Buying Flowers and Planters

Shemitah, Chapter 23: Buying Flowers and Planters

Are flowers grown in the shemitah year sacred? Can we buy them during shemitah? On planters and flowers during the shemitah year.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Chapter 22: Caring for Home Gardens During the Shemitah Year

Shemitah, Chapter 22: Caring for Home Gardens During the Shemitah Year

Home gardens during shemitah
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Shemitah, Appendix E: Guidelines for Growing Indoors on Detached Platforms

Shemitah, Appendix E: Guidelines for Growing Indoors on Detached Platforms

Can I grow plants in my home during shemitah? How do I set up a hothouse with detached platforms? All you need to know on setting up detached platforms (matza menutak) for indoor home gardens.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Hilchot Shemitah
Orlah, Chapter 1: General Laws of Orlah

Orlah, Chapter 1: General Laws of Orlah

An overview of the general laws that govern the prohibition of orlah.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 122-126 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 3b: Intermediate Plant Classification as Vegetables or Trees

Orlah, Chapter 3b: Intermediate Plant Classification as Vegetables or Trees

While most plants fall into neat categories as trees or vegetables, some are on the seam and have characteristics of both. This chart classifies such intermediate plants, which has bearing on the laws of orlah, berachot and kila’im.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, p. 133 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 2: Calculating Orlah Years

Orlah, Chapter 2: Calculating Orlah Years

How do you go about calculating orlah years for trees? How is that different from the orlah count for fruit?
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 127–129 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 7: Orlah fruit in the marketplace

Orlah, Chapter 7: Orlah fruit in the marketplace

Which fruits could be orlah in the marketplace? What happens when orlah fruit get mixed in with permitted fruit? On buying fruit in the marketplace and ratios of permitted to forbidden fruit required to nullify orlah.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp.145–146 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 5: Renewal of Trees: Planting, Transplanting, Grafting, Rootsuckers, and Layering

Orlah, Chapter 5: Renewal of Trees: Planting, Transplanting, Grafting, Rootsuckers, and Layering

Does the orlah count restart when transplanting trees? For grafted trees, does it begin from the time of the graft or from when the rootstock was planted? On partially uprooted trees, rootsuckers, layered branches, and more.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 136–140 Hilchot Orlah