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Orlah, Chapter 6: Laws of Potted Saplings – Orlah and Nurseries

Orlah, Chapter 6: Laws of Potted Saplings – Orlah and Nurseries

Laws of orlah as they relate to nurseries and unperforated pots. In which conditions can the orlah count continue for trees growing in nurseries?
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 141–144 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Appendix: Fruit in the Marketplace - Review

Orlah, Appendix: Fruit in the Marketplace - Review

Can we be sure we’re not buying orlah fruit in the supermarket? In the shuk? A review of the kashrut practices employed in the field and sectors where orlah fruit can be an issue.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 151–154 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 4: Saplings exempt from and subject to orlah laws

Orlah, Chapter 4: Saplings exempt from and subject to orlah laws

Are trees planted as a living fence subject to orlah, and if not in which cases? What about self-seeding trees that sprout up on their own?
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 134–135 Hilchot Orlah
Orlah, Chapter 3a: What is a tree?

Orlah, Chapter 3a: What is a tree?

The halachic definition of tree vs. vegetables vis-à-vis orlah includes various criteria. An overview of the Talmudic criteria as well as those added by Rishonim and Acharonim. Also, a look at those plants don't fit neatly into a specific category.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 130–132 Hilchot Orlah
Matanot aniyim, Preface: Matanot aniyim as a model for social policy: "In justice shall you be established"

Matanot aniyim, Preface: Matanot aniyim as a model for social policy: "In justice shall you be established"

How do matanot aniyim help propel the poor out of the circle of poverty towards taking initiative and personal responsibility? An overview of the Torah's unique system to promote a just and compassionate society, based on personal obligation. Rabbi Azriel Ariel
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 209–213 Hilchot Matanot Aniyim
Orlah, Preface: The prohibition of orlah, a mitzvah dependent on the Land of Israel

Orlah, Preface: The prohibition of orlah, a mitzvah dependent on the Land of Israel

What makes a mitzvah "dependent on the Land of Israel"? On the definition of these special mitzvot and the sanctity inherent in the soil and its produce. Also, on orlah's unique status inasmuch as it also applies abroad.
Hilchot Ha'aretz, pp. 117-121 Hilchot Orlah