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Mitzvot of the Land

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Blooming Season for the Different Fruit and Harvest Time of Vegetables - 5785: Ma’aser Ani Calendars

Blooming Season for the Different Fruit and Harvest Time of Vegetables - 5785: Ma’aser Ani Calendars

When exactly is each type of produce subject to ma’aser ani? What are the blooming seasons, standard harvest datesand standard storage times for fruits and vegetables in israel today? An halachic-agricultural survey for 5785 to 5786
Rabbi David Eigner Mitzvot of the Land
What do we do today with terumot and ma'aserot in Israel: a brief overview

What do we do today with terumot and ma'aserot in Israel: a brief overview

How do we take terumot and ma'aserot today and actually give them to their intended destinations in a feasible and halachically optimal manner? Feeding terumah to zoo animals, lighting Shabbat candles with terumah oil, contracts with a levite, and more.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Torah VeHa'aretz Institute Mitzvot of the Land
List of Herbs - Classification as Trees or Vegetables vis-à-vis Kila'im

List of Herbs - Classification as Trees or Vegetables vis-à-vis Kila'im

This comprehensive list of common herbs with English, Hebrew, and Latin names, categorizes them as trees or vegetables, to avoid kilei zera'im and kilei hakerem. Since different halachic guidelines govern kila’im for vegetables and trees, this is a valuable reference.
Agronomist Dr. Mordechai Shomron Mitzvot of the Land
Shehechiyanu: practical information

Shehechiyanu: practical information

In today’s age, the concept of “seasonal fruit” is constantly changing. This article features a list of more than 100 common and rare fruits and vegetables and notes each one's halachic status. The list is current as of Tammuz 5778.
Rabbis of Torah VeHa'aretz Institute and Agronomist Yehuda Heller Mitzvot of the Land
Laws of Ma'aser Sheni

Laws of Ma'aser Sheni

Redeeming Ma'aser sheni and deling with the coin in our days, is one of the most complicated act for people. In this article we will explain the main halachik guidelines.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Mitzvot of the Land
Kilei Zera’im

Kilei Zera’im

A short and practical halachic guide on the main laws pertaining to kilei zera'im, the forbidden interplanting of seeds, relevant to anyone with a home garden.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Torah VeHa’aretz Institute Mitzvot of the Land
Pesach: Biur Ma'aserot and Viduy Ma'aserot, Nissan 5782

Pesach: Biur Ma'aserot and Viduy Ma'aserot, Nissan 5782

Biur and viduy ma'aserot are unique mitzvot that occur once every three years; this year (5782) is one of them. On the halachot of biur and viduy ma'aser as they apply today plus the texts recited as part of viduy ma'aserot.
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Mitzvot of the Land
The Practical Laws of Orlah

The Practical Laws of Orlah

Orla is a mitzvah from the torah, even in our days. In this articles we will discuss a few of it's practical halachot
Rabbi Moshe Bloom Mitzvot of the Land
Observance of land-dependent commandments in communal gardens

Observance of land-dependent commandments in communal gardens

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Training & Professional Services Unit. Plant Engineering and Botanical Gardens Unit, Plant Engineering Division In collaboration with the Torah VeHa'aretz Institute
Dr. Mordechai Shomron, Torah VeHa'aretz Institute; Yisrael Galon, Training & Professional Service Unit | 5779 Mitzvot of the Land
Orlah - Short

Orlah - Short

An abridged guide on the laws of orlah: what is the prohibition of orlah, when it applies, which fruit are subject to the prohibition, and how it applies outside of the Land of Israel.
Rabbis of Torah VeHa'aretz Insitute Mitzvot of the Land