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Every moment is a gift - A memorial film about Rabbi Shimon Biran


Every moment is a gift - A memorial film about Rabbi Shimon Biran


In memory of Rabbi Shimon Biran hy"d the rabbi of Kfar Darom, one of the founders of The Institute of Torah and the Land of Israel, who was murdered at the entrance of the Institute in Kfar Darom, Gush Katif, on the 24 Iyar, 5752 (1992).


The Carob

It is told that once Choni Hamagal was walking on a road and he saw a man planting a
charob tree. He said to him: Do you think that you will live 70 years and you will eat from the
fruit of this tree? The man answered him: I entered the world and I found charob trees
that bore fruit. Just as my forefathers planted for me, I plant for my children
that come after me!

Based on Talmud Bavli Ta’anit 23a
The carob tree lives for many years and, compared with other fruit-bearing trees, it produces fruit at a much later age.

This carob tree, the third in a chain of charob trees, was originally planted in Kfar Darom, in memory of Rabbi Shimon Biran, who was the rabbi of Kfar Darom. He was one of the founders of The Institute for Torah and the Land of Israel and was murdered at the entrance to the Institute.
During the expulsion from Gush Katif the tree was replanted in Yeshivat Shaalvim, where Rabbi Biran had studied and lived.
In the summer of 5784 (2024) when the garden in Nitzan was opened, the tree was
replanted for the third time, in expectation that it would be replanted in Gush
Katif in the future.