Borders of the Hasmoneans and Shemitah Lema'seh Beit Midrash Videos Shemita Borders of the Hasmoneans and Shemitah Categories Grocery shopping during shemitah Agricultural dos and don'ts during shemitah Buying flowers during shemitah Bi'ur Borders of the Land of Israel (Olei Mitzrayim and Olei Bavel) Kedushat Shevi'it (Shemitah Sanctity) Heter Mechirah Detached Platforms Otzar Beit Din (Rabbinical Court Treasury) Filmed lessons –Shemitah Mitzvah in a Minute - Shemita What is hefsed? Borders of the Hasmoneans and Shemitah Preparing your garden for winter Lawn care during shemitah Who's afraid of otzar beit din? On etrog trees, lemon trees, and other citruses during shemitah Garden care during shemitah Israeli Agriculture Beware of dogs Can we send mishloach manot with kedushat shevi'it? Imports during Shemitah Difficulties gardeners face Otzar Ha'aretz - From field to consumer Otzar beit din - Tosefta until today Pruning fruit trees during shemitah Repaying neighbors with shemitah produce Weekly Shemitah Challenge #2: Next year you won't recognize Moisheleh Weekly Shemitah Challenge #1: Farmers hug the land for us: Israeli farmers during shemitah The Weekly Shemitah Challenge #4: Leaving the Loooop Israeli Agriculture | Shemitah in 2 minutes | Torah VeHa'aretz Institute Beware of dog! Can we put watchdogs in our yards during shemitah? Weekly Shemitah Challenge #3: Is it even ours? Weekly Shemitah Challenge #5: Protecting Earth Weekly Shemitah Challenge #6: Weather Weekly Shemitah Challenge # 7 and Final: Making Due with Little Pruning grapevines during shemitah Protecting fruit in private gardens during shemitah Purchasing Produce in Israel During Shmitta with Rabbi Moshe Bloom Purchasing Produce in Israel During Shmitta with Rabbi Moshe Bloom - Part 2. Purchasing Produce in Israel During Shmitta with Rabbi Moshe Bloom - Part 3 Nedivei Eretz | You'll only have this opportunity in another seven years Nedivei Eretz with Rabbi Itzhak Dvir Everything you need to know about the prozbul Subscribe to our Newsletter Full Name Email I agree to the terms of use and privacy policy of the site. 2:45 Borders of the Hasmoneans and Shemitah Don't forget to turn on English subtitles! More videos 01:49 The Weekly Shemitah Challenge #4: Leaving the Loooop 01:44 Weekly Shemitah Challenge # 7 and Final: Making Due with Little 4:06 Kedushat Shevi'it (Shemitah Sanctity) 02:00 Weekly Shemitah Challenge #2: Next year you won't recognize Moisheleh