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Neta Revay Tree around Tu BiShvat


 What you need to do around Tu BiShevat (15 Shevat), if you have a tree now in its fourth year?


Rabbi Moshe Bloom

Tu BiShevat (15 Shevat) of the fourth year from when a tree is planted is the date its fruits leave the category of orlah, as we learned earlier this week. Any fruit that begins to form after 15 Shevat of this fourth year will assume the sanctity of neta revay 4-year saplings. Fruits such as lemons and other citruses, almonds, loquats, and peaches, among others, bloom around Tu BiShevat time.

The problem:

Sometimes fruits that began to develop before 15 Shevat— and thus are orlah and prohibited for consumption or benefit— are hanging on the same tree. As for fruit that bloomed after this date, they will be neta revay. (The sanctity of neta revay fruit can be transferred to a coin, and then it is permissible to eat them).

The solution:

We need go to our trees around Tu BiShevat, remove the fruit that is hanging on the tree, and leave only the flowers.  In this way, we will ensure that whatever fruit grows from this point on is not orlah, but rather neta revay.