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Around the Jewish Year

Peasch: Are gluten-free products kosher for Pesach?

Rabbi Tzvi Ben Reuven, Emunat Itecha 119 Nissan 5778

Are gluten-free products kosher for Pesach?

Pesach: Matzah for those with celiac

Rabbi Yaakov Ariel

Someone with celiac, who cannot eat regular grains—even oat matzah—can only eat matzah made of gluten-free grain. Can he fulfill the obligation of eating matzah on Seder night with this special matzah?

Pesach: Lecithin and rapeseed on Pesach

Rabbi Yaakov Ariel

In recent years, my family has begun to avoid eating lecithin and rapeseed products on Pesach. I'm not sure what the source of this custom is. I would like to know if these are considered legumes (kitniyut) and on what basis should one not eat them on Pesach.

Nissan: Birkat Ha'ilanot on trees that blossom twice annually

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

I have two questions about birkat ha'ilanot:

  • Can we make the blessing on trees that blossom twice a year (lemon, mango, petango)? What about those that bloom twice but only produce fruit once a year (mango)?
  • Why don't we make this blessing over olive trees?

Nissan: Birkat ha'ilanot vs. Shekacha lo ba'olamo

Rabbi Ehud Achituv

Whoever sees especially beautiful creations recites the blessing shekacha lo ba'olamo; "Who has such things in His world."
Whoever goes out to fields or gardens in the days of Nissan and sees trees blossoming and budding recites birkat ha'ilanot, the blessing for the trees: "Blessed … who has withheld nothing from His world, and has created in it beautiful creatures and trees for human beings to enjoy.'"  What is the difference between both blessings?

Nissan: Birkat ha’ilanot on trees grafted in a forbidden manner

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

Can one say birkat ha’ilanot on trees grafted in a forbidden fashion?

Sukkut: Weaving Mats from Lulav Leaflets

Rabbi Ehud Aḥituv | Emunat Itecha 141 (5784), p.

Is it permissible to weave a mat from the lulav leaflets or, alternatively, to throw the lulav away in the garbage? Similarly, would it be permissible to build furniture from planks used to place sechach on?

Sukkut: a Grafted Etrog

Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Torah VeHa’aretz Institute

I see that it says on all the etrog boxes “not grafted.” What exactly does that mean?


Rosh Hashana: Shehechiyanu on a fresh pineapple on the second night

Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Elul 5779


Can I say a Shehechiyanu on a fresh pineapple on the second night of Rosh Hashana?

Pesach: Canola Oil

Rabbi Yaakov Ariel

I am Ashkenazi and avoid eating kitniyot on Pesach. I would like to find out if the prohibition against eating legumes applies to canola oil. My understanding is that this oil is produced from rapeseed (liftit). Also: if canola oil is permitted, then would it also be permitted to eat chocolate when it says on the package "includes rapeseed" (מכיל לפתית)?