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Terumot & Ma’aserot

Redeeming ma’ser sheni in Jerusalem’s Old City

Rabbi Ehud Ahituv

I live in the Old City in Jerusalem. What do I do with my ma’aser sheni?

Kashering a Pot Used to Cook Teruma

Rabbi Shai Levi | Emunat Itecha 122, Shevat 5779 January 2019

I separated terumot and ma'aserot from my potatoes, and accidentally cooked the potatoes that I set aside. How do I kasher the pot?

Viduy and Bi’ur Ma’aserot

Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Torah VeHa’aretz Institute

How do we fulfill in our days the Mitzva of Viduy and Bi'ur Ma'aserot?


Determining the ma’aser year for fruit that blooms early

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

Loquat and almond trees bloom early, some before Tu BiShevat, and some afterwards. How do I take teruma and ma’aser from these fruit?


Homemade wine: teruma and ma’aser

Rabbi Ehud Ahituv

This year I prepared wine from grapes harvested after Sukkot. Ma’aser was not taken from these grapes, and I was told that I should set aside the ma’aser only after I finish making the wine. When is it considered the end of the wine-making process? Can I put off taking ma’aser until the wine is completely ready, after I transfer it into little bottles? Or can I only take the ma’aser when the wine is all together in the big bottle? Is there a different text for taking ma’aser on wine? I obviously can’t say “at the north” or “south” of the fruit.

Giving ma’aser ani today: here’s a half-an-orange to help you out?!

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

How can I actually give my ma’aser ani? It’s not really practical to find poor people each time I pick a few oranges from my tree to give them a slice.

Is it OK to snack on fruits or vegetables growing in a hothouse without taking teruma and ma’aser?

Rabbi Dov Landau

 My question is as follows: Does the rule of “seeing the inside of the house,” apply to crops grown in a hothouse, meaning that it would it be forbidden to snack on fruit or vegetables in the hothouse without first taking teruma and ma’aser?

During the shemita year, we heard that many poskim view hothouses as a house for halachic purposes.

Separating terumot and ma’aserot at a cherry picking festival

Rabbi Ehud Ahituv

There is a cherry picking festival taking place in Gush Etzion, and I’d like to go with a few friends. You can pick cherries, blueberries, and raspberries.

  1. Is there a problem with orlah (is there supervision by the Gush Etzion rabbinate)?
  2. If we pay upfront and it’s “all you can eat,” how can we eat the fruit without first taking terumot and ma’aserot, and at which point do we need to separate them? The same question regarding eating the fruit in the car on the way home.
  3. I know there are guidelines about checking fruit for infestation (and that raspberries are very difficult to check). Do you have current information about infestation status?

This seems like such a nice event, and it is difficult for me to believe that in a place like Gush Etzion, where there are so many observant Jews, there would be a festival that would trip people up in eating tevel mide’oriyta

Determining the ma’aser year for fruit that blooms early

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

Loquat and almond trees bloom early, some before Tu BiShevat, and some afterwards. How do I take teruma and ma’aser  from these fruit?

Taking teruma and ma’aser when picking a few fruits at a time

Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy Amichay

I have a tangerine tree in my backyard for seven years now. This year the tree yielded a lot of fruit, B”H. Do I have to take ma’aser each time I pick a certain amount of tangerines?