Beit Midrash
Laws of Chanukah 5785
Can orlah or tevel oil be used to light the Chanukah menorah? Can a Kohen use terumah oil? Should we separate challah from donut batter? Learn here about...
Read MoreList of Herbs - Classification as Trees or Vegetables vis-à-vis Kila'im
This comprehensive list of common herbs with English, Hebrew, and Latin names, categorizes them as trees or vegetables, to avoid kilei zera'im and kilei hakerem. Since different halachic guidelines govern kila’im for vegetables and trees, this is a valuable reference.
Mitzvot of the Land
Procedure for Separating Terumot and Ma’aserot
How exactly do we separate terumot and ma'aserot – the full procedure and the exact text
Mitzvot of the Land