Buying orchids from a nursery during shemitah
I am considering visiting an orchid boutique nursery - it's called Sharon Orchids, in Rishpon, HaPrachim 31. Am I permitted to buy an orchid plant in view of shemitah?
Is it permissible to burn chametz that contains shemitah produce?
Is it permissible to burn chametz that contains shemitah produce, such as banana bread?
Repaying neighbors with shemitah produce
Before Shabbat I saw I was short on carrots, so I borrowed a few from my next-door neighbor. I just restocked with otzar beit din carrots. Can I "repay" my neighbor with these carrots that have kedushat shevi'it, or is it like repaying a debt with kedushat shevi'it produce?
Uprooting kila'im during Shemitah
Do I need to uproot Kila'im in my garden during the shemitah year?
Orlah fruit and kedushat shevi'it
I have a tree in my yard that just entered its fourth year on 15 Shevat. I know that if we have a tree with orlah fruit hanging on it, we should remove the fruit so that (1) it doesn't get mixed up with neta revay fruit that will develop later on and (2) anyone who comes into the yard to take shemitah fruits doesn't inadvertently take prohibited orlah fruit.
Does this fruit have kedushat shevi'it, meaning does it have to be double-bagged or just thrown away regularly?
Taking kedushat shevi'it produce with you on a plane
Can I take Kedushah produce with me on the plane?
Feeding weeds to chickens during shemitah
At this time of year, chickweed and milk thistle generally sprout, and I usually feed them to my chickens. Am I allowed to do that this year? If so, in what way?
Edible weeds
My neighbor has edible weeds that sprout around now in her garden, namely wood sorrel (חמציץ, Jerusalemites often call them חמצוץ). Can I eat them during shemitah or are they considered sefichin?
Neta Revay Tree around Tu BiShvat
What you need to do around Tu BiShevat (15 Shevat), if you have a tree now in its fourth year?
Tu BiShevat and Orlah in and out of Israel
What is the connection between Tu BiShevat and Orlah? Is this rellevent if I live out of Eretz Israel?