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Is it possible to grow insect-free vegetables at home?

Rabbis of Torah VeHa’aretz Institute

I received a kit for growing garden rocket at home. I know that there are many complications related to growing leafy vegetables. What can I do so I can eat the leaves that grow? Is there some sort of pesticide that I can use? Or a net? Also, how should I check the leaves so I don’t transgress the prohibitions involved in eating insects? Thank you!

Grafting several types of citrus fruit onto one tree

Rabbi Ehud Ahituv

Is it permissible to graft several types of citrus fruit (tangerine, lemon, orange, etc.) onto one tree?

Grafting blueberries onto a strawberry tree

Rabbi Avraham Sochovolsky

I grow different types of berries. Can I graft a blueberry onto a strawberry tree (they are from the same family).

Birkat ha’ilanot on fruit bowl trees

Rabbi Yoel Friedman

Can I say birkat ha’ilanot on a tree with several types of fruit growing on it?

The orlah year calculation

Dr. Mordechai Shomron, agronomist

Two months ago we bought a dwarf lemon tree that says on it “from 2013.” We planted the tree together with the clod of earth that it came with, which only fell off a little bit. Do we have to start the orlah year count again? If so, can we uproot it and replant it, and in which way can we use its fruit without waiting?

Determining the ma’aser year for fruit that blooms early

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

Loquat and almond trees bloom early, some before Tu BiShevat, and some afterwards. How do I take teruma and ma’aser  from these fruit?

Taking teruma and ma’aser when picking a few fruits at a time

Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy Amichay

I have a tangerine tree in my backyard for seven years now. This year the tree yielded a lot of fruit, B”H. Do I have to take ma’aser each time I pick a certain amount of tangerines?

Bringing fruit into the house through the window

Rabbi Yoel Friedemann

Fruit brought into the house through the window is not subject to the obligation of separating teruma and ma’aser. I live in a private house, though, and the fruit first goes into my yard and only after that is brought through the window. Is the fruit still exempt from teruma and ma’aser in this case, too?

Which mitzvot are tied to the Land of Israel?

Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy Amichay

Is taking challah considered a mitzva tied to the Land of Israel? Is there a list of such mitzvot? Can you give me several examples?

Taking terumot and ma’aserot from seeds

Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy Amichay

I grow several vegetables in my garden such as string beans, peas, and potatoes. Sometimes I take all or some of the seeds to plant the next round of crops in my garden.

1) Am I supposed to take ma’aser from the seeds before planting, or does ma’aser only apply to edible produce?

2) If there is an obligation of taking ma’aser at this point, do I need to take ma’aser from seeds I buy at a nursery?