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Feeding weeds to chickens during shemitah

Feeding weeds to chickens during shemitah

At this time of year, chickweed and milk thistle generally sprout, and I usually feed them to my chickens. Am I allowed to do that this year? If so, in what way?

Edible weeds

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

My neighbor has edible weeds that sprout around now in her garden, namely wood sorrel (חמציץ, Jerusalemites often call them חמצוץ). Can I eat them during shemitah or are they considered sefichin?

Neta Revay Tree around Tu BiShvat

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

 What you need to do around Tu BiShevat (15 Shevat), if you have a tree now in its fourth year?

Tu BiShevat and Orlah in and out of Israel

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

What is the connection between Tu BiShevat and Orlah? Is this rellevent if I live out of Eretz Israel?

Meaning of Orlah in Hebrew

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

What does orlah mean?

Separating terumot and ma'aserot from heter mechirah produce

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

We went on a trip to Kadesh Barnea (in the Aravah, near the Egyptian border) and bought cherry tomatoes. I know the area is considered olei Mitzrayim. The tomatoes were certified by the rabbinate and heter mechirah was performed. The tour guide said that terumot and ma'aserot were taken from the produce. Is it necessary to separate terumot and ma'aserot from produce that grew during the shemitah year under heter mechirah?

Joining Agudas Shemita

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

I read an advertisement on observing the mitzvah of shemitah through Agudas Shmita. You sign up on the website, and appoint the organization as your agent to purchase land on your behalf. That is, you buy land in Israel (starting from 1X1 amah to 4X4 amot) for the duration of the shemitah year. The land is officially registered under your name and you relinquish ownership of the crops during the shemitah year. In this way, you observe two mitzvot: "During the seventh year you will remit it and abandon it" and "The land will rest a sabbatical unto G-d." Each person receives a precise map noting the piece of land they purchased. This parcel is privately-owned land (it does not belong to the Israel Land Administration) between Yavniel and Tiberius. It says that Agudas Shmita has the support of many rabbis from the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Chareidi community, and also has legal guidance.

This land is worked during the sixth year; in this way, donors will merit the blessing "and I command my blessing to you during the sixth year." At the beginning of the shemitah year, a sign will be put up that the produce is ownerless. They also write that women are obligated in the mitzvah of shemitah. The rabbi heading the organization is Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, rabbi of western Benei Berak and the av beit din of Sha'arei Hora'ah.

How does Torah VeHa'aretz Institute view this project?

Growing sprouts at home during Shemitah

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

Can I grow sprouts during Shemithah?

Olive harvest and oil preparation this year and next year

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

It's olive harvest time (Cheshvan 5782), and I generally harvest them. I pickle some and press some for oil. Do I have to do something different this year? Will the olives have kedushat shevi'it?

Southern Aravah

Rabbi Moshe Bloom

What does the label Southern Aravah (ערבה דרומית) mean? What is the difference between that and olei Mitzrayim?